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Chavitizirumu is the massage of the stops in the Indian hotel clinique Kalari Rasayana

In the Indian Aurved Hotel Kalari Rasayana, guests are offered all types of traditional Kerala massage: to fall under the heat of grass oil, to massage purification by grass. And if the body wants to feel stronger, the doctor's job is to try Chavitisrum. This complex and exotic name masks the man's body massage, which is made by feet.
During the procedure, the patient is on the mattress on the floor in a comfortable position. The Master conducts a rhythmic massage of the whole body with his legs. First, the massage is focused on the back and then goes to work on the whole body. This procedure ensures good blood circulation, tonicates and makes the body strong and flexible.
Chavizirumu is allowed to work intensively with muscles, bundles, and subcutaneous fat. As a result, several massage procedures improve the functionality of the propulsion apparatus. Hospital oils used during massage are selected individually, depending on the strongest, dominant dose (both cell).

The Kalari Rasayana hotel is available at any time of the year.
/ / / Chavitizirumu is the massage of the stops in the Indian hotel clinique Kalari Rasayana